NEWS: JULY 2009 |
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On July 3, in the see of the Community of Tumanzano, Nebaj, the bishop presided at the meeting of delegates from all the communities. There were about 30 participants. The notable growth that has taken place was confirmed with great joy: three new communities in the area of Nebaj, one new one in the area of San Juan Cotzal and one in the area of Chajul (where two have already been formed). |
above: Each of the delegates makes a report on the achievements and challenges in his community.
left: The bishop explaining the traits that characterize and distinguish the Renewed Catholic identity.
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On the afternoon of Friday, July 3, the bishop presided over the Eucharist in one of the new communities of Nebaj. Two marriages and numerous baptisms were also celebrated.
above: Prayer invoking the Holy Spirit during the administration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
left: After the celebration of marriage the parents and sponsors pray over those who have contracted marriage. Second from the left is Brother Jacinto, who besides being a sponsor of one of the wedding couples is the leader and founder of the community.
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On Saturday, July 4, during the morning, the bishop visited for the first time the Community of Laguna Bazchocolá. It is located in the north of Chajul, but is part of the municipality of Nebaj. To get to it, one has to take the road from Chel and a little after coming to the bank of River Azul o Chel, begin to climb the mountain. From there to the summit takes an hour and a half. It is a small community, but is working with great enthusiasm and commitment so that the Renewed Catholic Church can take the good news to all the inhabitants.
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The center of the Parish of the Faith of the Martyrs of Chajul is the Community of Chel. The memory of the Martyrs constitutes a continuous spur to spread the faith and commitment to all the members of the communities. At present, the community of Chel just by itself has about 900 members. The parish is formed of other ten communities in addition to Chel.
above: At the back is a cloth on which are depicted all of the martyrs of Chajul. In front are some of the members of the ministry.
right: Parents and sponsors are praying over the children who have just been baptized.
left: In Chel numerous confirmations were also celebrated. In the photo the parents and sponsors are placing their hands on the children and praying for them, just after the bishop has finished placing the chrism on each child and has completed the two epicleses invoking the Holy Spirit.
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La Perla is a farm located in the north of Chajul, near to Community of Tzotzil. It has about 600 families, of which about 40 (a total of about 350 people) are Renewed Catholics.
right: The bishop is declaring absolution of sin for members of the ministry after they have made their confession of sin.
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In an atmosphere of communion, participation, and great joy, the Presbytery met on Tuesday, July 7, at the Seminary in San Lucas Sacatepéquez. All the priests who are at present working in Guatemala attended. First was a report on the progress of the community. Then the bishop presented four candidates for ordination first as subdeacons and then as deacons and reported that they have satisfactorily passed the synthesis examination and have presented and defended their lesser thesis on humanistic questions, as prescribed in the academic curriculum. In addition, the priests in whose communities they have been doing their supervised field work also expressed the approval of their communities for their ordination.
Then it was decided that every year the 27th of October will be celebrated the Anniversary of ICERGUA, for it is the day our bishop was ordained, thereby elevating us to the level of a “local church.”
Questions concerning the commitment and discipline of priests were taken up, as well as other topics of concern for our church. Then we shared lunch with the seminarians, and in the afternoon Mons. Eduardo taught a class that is part of the prescribed curriculum. It dealt with some aspects of Renewed Catholic rituals from both a historical and theological-sacramental perspective.
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In January 2008 and with the unconditional support of our bishop, the indigenous authorities were installed in San Juan Comalapa, organized as the “Indigenous Mayoralty.” The reason for the visit on July 8 was to celebrate the Eucharist of Thanksgiving for all the blessings received as well as to share lunch and have a meeting to discuss questions of mutual interest. The outcome of the meeting was beautiful. The indigenous authorities and the bishop promised to stay in contact with each other, and to support, with the authority of their respective offices, the process of recognizing and enhancing the dignity of the indigenous community of San Juan Comalapa.
above: Prayer over the indigenous authorities at the end of the Eucharist.
right: The indigenous authorities and the bishop in the presence of the Most Holy Sacrament.
left: After lunch, a long meeting took place to discuss topics of mutual interest.
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For those who are members of the Nazareth Community, ICERGUA chose to reestablish the intermediate order of “subdeacon” as a step in the preparation for ordination as deacon. Through this order, our candidates accept the commitments assigned to this order by tradition, and also accept two additional commitments that are of highest importance on their path toward consecration to the Lord: to maintain lifelong membership in the Nazareth Community and to maintain celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven.
“Dearest Brothers, you have been chosen to receive the sacred order of subdeacon, definitively incorporating you into the Nazareth Community. It is very important that you understand precisely what that implies, for by the sacred order that you are receiving, your life will be totally and perpetually consecrated to the service of God and his People. Furthermore, you accept the commitment, with the help of the Lord, to be celibate forever for the Kingdom of God. Therefore, it is important that before entering this holy order you manifest before the People of God your decision to accept freely and seriously the commitments thereunto appertaining.” (From the Ritual for the Ordination as Subdeacon)
above: Marcos Caicedo makes his promise before the bishop.
right: Juan Moisés Mendoza makes the same promise.
Officiant: Do you wish to be consecrated to the service of the Lord forever, observing the state of celibacy with care for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven and as a sign for your love for and total devotion to Christ, in order to be able to serve his People with freedom and courage and radical devotion?
Candidate: Yes, I wish it.
O.: May the Lord grant it to you to persevere in your sacred promise.
C.: Amen.
(From the Ritual of Ordination as Subdeacon)
above: Luís Felipe Corimanya making his commitment to celibacy.
right: Gildardo Ramírez in the same ceremony.
left; During the song of the Litany of the Saints, our bishop, Mons. Eduardo, rises to pray that the candidates be blessed, sanctified and consecrated.
“Here are the symbols of the ministry that has been entrusted to you. Conduct yourself in such a way that you may be in every moment a sacrifice acceptable to God.”
above: Marcos receiving the patent and the chalice, symbols of the ministry he has received.
The subdeacon, emptied of himself, has to be a faithful servant so that he may present to the Holy People of God an offering acceptable to the Father.
left: Juan Moisés receives the symbols of the ministry.
right: Luís Felipe receiving the patent and the chalice.
left: Gilardo receives the symbols of the ministry.
below left: Part of the prayer over the subdeacons after prayer over each of them (below right)
“O Lord, Father Almighty and eternal God, we pray you to send you Holy Spirit on these your sons, deigning to bless them with the abundance of your grace. You have wished to elect them to the holy order of subdeacon. We pray you that they may be a holy temple of your glory; make them valiant and vigilant sentinels of the heavenly hosts and faithful ministers of your holy altar. May the Spirit of wisdom and understanding descend upon them. Give them the Spirit of council and of strength. Let them receive the Spirit of knowledge and mercy. And fill them with the Spirit of holy awe. Fortify them with your grace so that they can accomplish the divine ministry to which you have assigned them. That keeping your commands and being obedient to your inspirations, they may persevere in your grace. By our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit now and forever.
The bishop accompanied by the four subdeacons, dressed with vestments of their ministry: the amice, the maniple, and the tunic.
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From the 11th to the 19th, the seminarians have enjoyed mid year vacation. According to the usual program, this vacation should occur immediately after the end of the first semester, which occurred in the first week of June. However, since the bishop had to be away in order to participate in the 20th Council of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil from July 14 to 18, the vacation was postponed. The vacation is a time for the seminarians, along with their families and communities, to consolidate and personalize the many aspects of their education.
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During the morning of July 11, by invitation from the Director of the Catechists at the Cathedral of San Juan Comalapa, the bishop directed a seminar for the leaders. Some 300 of the faithful attended. The first theme circled around the characteristics of the leader according to the New Testament and in the commitment made to our church. The second theme dealt with the ecclesiological, organizational and pastoral consequences of our vision of the ministries.
The event took place in the colonial church.
right and above: The bishop lecturing.
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After lunch on July 11, Mons. Eduardo celebrated Eucharist with the brothers and sisters of the Community of Xolbé, a section of the departmental capital, Sololá. It was a Mass of Thanksgiving for all the blessings received. On this occasion, two received the sacrament of Confirmation and another two made their First Communion.
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On Saturday, the 11th, during the afternoon the bishop presided at a solemn procession with the Most Holy Sacrament, followed by the celebration of the Eucharist in the Community of Pajomel, Santa Cruz La Laguna, Sololá. The occasion of the celebration was to commemorate the third anniversary of the alliance of the community with ICERGUA, for this alliance also made it possible for the Most Holy Sacrament to be brought to the Community.
above and right: the solemn procession
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On Sunday, the 12th, our bishop, accompanied by the seminarians José Armando Hernández and José Alfredo Hernández, undertook another pilgrimage to the peaks. This time it was to conquer the peaks of the volcanoes Yepocapa, Acatenango and Fuego. It was also spiritual preparation for the trip that the bishop would take on July 13 to participate in the 20th Council of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil.
above: A beautiful view of the volcanoes Atitlán, Tolimán, San Pedro, Santo Tomás or Pecul, Zunilo and Santa María, taken a little before conquering the first peak, Yepocapa.
right: After conquering the peak of Acatenango, the descent began to the pass between Acatenango and El Fuego, in order then to climb up El Fuego, which is visible in the background.
The arrival at the peak of Fuego was preceded by moments of risk and tension. A very strong wind and freezing mist whipped in our faces from the time we arrived at the first peak of the volcano until we got to the goal on the third peak, a few meters from the crater.
In the photo above left, José Armando tries to keep his balance while passing near to one of the precipices along the path. In the photos above right and on the side, the bishop and José Alfredo, respectively, arriving at the goal.
In the photos below, some other moments of the expedition.
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On Monday, July 13, our bishop left for Brasilia by way of Río de Janeiro, in order to participate in the 20th National Council of the Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil (ICAB). He was present in his capacity as Primate Bishop of ICERGUA, a church that established communion with ICAB in the 19th Council of ICAB, as well as in his capacity as President of the Board of Directors of CICAM (Worldwide Communion of Catholic Apostolic Churches).
On the third and last day of the Council, Mons. Eduardo was invited to preside at Eucharist with which began the closing of the 20th Council.
above: During the penitential act during the Eucharist.
right: patriarch Dom Luís Fernando Castillo Méndez, Honorary President of the Honorary Council of CICAM; then Dom Romeo, Vice President of the Board of Directors of CICAM, then our bishop, then Dom Josivaldo, President of the Episcopal Council of ICAB and President of the Honorary Council of CICAM.
The final benediction of the Eucharist was given by the Patriarch, Dom Luís. Our bishop, Mons. Eduardo, at the side of the Patriarch, offers his mitre to Dom Luís so that he may say the benediction. Then it was offered to the Auxiliary Bishop Elect of Brasilia, Dom Jose Carlos Lucas. At the far right of the photo is Dom Aurio Fontanella Camargo, Bishop of Curitiba, Vice President of Episcopal Council of ICAB and member of the Disciplinary Commission of CICAM.
right: Dom Romeo, our bishop, and Dom Wagner (Bishop of Sao Paulo, Chancellor of ICAB and Vice President of the Honorary Council of CICAM) addressing the agenda of the Conciliar Assembly of ICAB. During this session the bishop members of ICAB ratifed their acceptance of the Constitution of CICAM.
The conclusion of the Council was full of emotional moments. On giving out certificates of participation at the Council, Dom Josivaldo invited Mons. Eduardo to take the certificate to the Patriarch, Dom Luís. Then a certificate was handed to Dom Olinto who, having been ordained priest by San Carlos de Brazil and now in his 91st year, continues as Primate of the ICAB and remains a bastion of faithfulness to the basic gift [of Apostolic Succession] that San Carlos gave.
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The Lord is blessing abundantly the mission in Lima.
Responding to the request from the Mission’s Council of Priests (which comprises nine priests), our bishop promulgated three decrees to create three parishes: that of Santa María de Guadalupe in Zapayal, Lima; that of Santa Rosa de Lima en Valle Grande, Lima; and that of Nuestra Señora de Ciocharcas in Huancayo. All these communities were visited when the bishop visited Peru in March. |
A few days ago, Father Juan Ernesto Iriarte wrote the following email message to our bishop:
“Dear Mons. Eduardo Aguirre: We are now in the three regions of Peru (the coast, the mountains, and the jungle) and in several departments (Costa: Lima, Lambayeque, Chiclayo; mountains: Junín, Huancayo; jungle: Ucayali, Pucallpa). In Lima: Distrito Vitarte: Santa Rosa de Valle Grande, (Parish of Santa Rosa de Valle Grande), San Valentín, Señor de Huallay, Las Américas and we support Progresistas, Amigos de la Paz and others. New: La Florida 1, other villages of Santa María Magdalena, Virgen de Guadalupe, Huachipa, Carapongo. New mission in Parish of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, in Santa Clara por la Roncadora in Collanac, and another in Los Robles. In Distrito de Puente Piedra Zapallal: (Parish of Santa María de Guadalupe) El Dorado, Las Lomas de Zapallal,
in la Provincia Constitucional del Callao en Villa Señor de los Milagros, Comunidad del Cordero Inmolado. In Costa Norte we have a presence in Chiclayo in at least two places and soon one more. In the mountains we have a presence in Huancayo (Parroquia Virgen de Cocharcas) y en San Gerónimo. In the jungle: in Pucallpa (Parish of El Divino Niño Jesús) and soon we shall have a presence in the south in Cañete and possibly in Arequipa; we are awaiting a reply.
“Our vision is to reach all of Peru little by little, like the tiny mustard seed. Soon we shall have more parishes or quasi-parishes; all we are lacking are some willing hands, feet, and hearts.
“To a large extent we owe this drive to you, our bishop, Mons. Eduardo Aguirre, who in your two earlier visits have encouraged us greatly, and we are most proud to have in you a true father, bishop and pastor of such human, spiritual, theological and pastoral stature.
“We are in dialogue with two Spanish priests who are working in the United States. Pray for them. We are already preparing your visit, which will be September 10-14. In broad outline, we are thinking of visiting the Mission of la Selva Peruana, then going down to the missioin of Huancayo, then passing by the Asentamientos of Lima, and from there travel to Chiclayo and return to Lima for your departure to Guatemala.”
Recently we received from the Peruvian jungle a copy of the email that Father Jesús Mejía, who was commissioned by the presbytery to visit and support Father Miguel, sent to Father Juan Ernesto, along with some photos. It gives us pleasure to publish part of the text of the email and some of the photos: (from the letter Father Jesús wrote to Father Juan Ernesto): “I am happy about my visit to the Mission en Pucallpa. My wish was to prepare the visit of our beloved Bishop, Mons. Eduardo Aguirre. We shall accompany the work of Father Miguel with our prayers.”
above: At the left is Father Miguel (in charge of the mission in Pucallpa, Amazonía Peruana) and at the right is Father Jesús.
right: The priests with some of the parishioners, together at the mission cross. In the background, the roof of the beautiful church that is under construction.
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After the Council, our bishop accompanied Dom Olinto and Dom Josivaldo in a cross-country trip from Brasilia to Río de Janeiro. Travel began on Friday the 17th at sunset and lasted until Saturday the 18th, around midnight. It was an opportunity to get to know something of Brazil, especially the state of Minas Gerais, which we crossed in its entirety. On Sunday the 19th, Dom Olinto as well as Dom Josivaldo invited Mons. Eduardo to preside at the high Eucharist celebrated in the Primate Cathedral of Santa Ana and the Child Virgin. It was an important communion experience.
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On Thursday the 23rd, our bishop celebrated Eucharist with the Pentecostal Community of Santiago Atitlán. On that occasion six brothers were installed as the “Ministry of Intercession,” especially commissioned to pray for the ill and those who have needs.
On the same day, during the evening, Eucharist was celebrated with the Community of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, also in Santiago Atitlán. It was a moment in which the community, in addition to strengthening its faith, had the joy of seeing several children receive the Sacrament of Baptism.
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On Friday the 24th, beginning at 10:00 am and for the next four hours, the meeting of the Deanery of Central Huehuetenango took place at the see in Santa Eulalia. Representatives from the four parishes that comprise the Deanery were there. For about two hours the bishop gave instruction to the leaders on the theme of our mission and the identity of the Renewed Catholic ritual.
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The Deanery of North Hueheuetenango met on Saturday the 25th from 9:00 to 11:00am. This Deanery includes the Communities of San Mateo Ixtatán and Santa Cruz Barillas. The bishop also took advantage of the occasion to give thorough instruction to the leaders concerning some of the aspects of our missionary identity.
above: The participants at the meeting of the Deanery. There were about 50 faithful, representatives from most of the communities.
left: Our bishop during the time of instruction. Seated at the right is Father Hugo Patzán, who is in charge of the Deanery.
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After the meeting of the Deanery, the deaconal ordination of subdeacon Juan Moisés Mendoza Sapalú was celebrated. The ceremony took place in the second floor of the Charismatic Center, where a church is being built. It has a capacity of 3000 people and it is calculated that 4000 people attended, including those who practice different ministries. It was an emotional ceremony, and the presence of the Holy Spirit could be felt, consecrating Juan Moisés as deacon.
above: The homily by our bishop to the multitude.
right: The central moment of the ordination—the laying on of hands during the consecratory prayer so that by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit Juan Moisés would be consecrated as deacon.
left: A particularly emotional moment at the close of the ritual of ordination was the prayer which the parents and sponsors made over the new deacon.
At the close of the Eucharist, the new deacon introduced his family. In the photo we can see his parents and six of his seven siblings. Their home is in San Juan La Laguna, Sololá, and they are members of the Tzutujil ethnic group; they came to Barillas in order to participate in the ceremony. They were visibly moved and thankful to God for the gift to the family that one of their sons had been chosen by the Lord to serve Him through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
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On Sunday the 26th in the Church of Belén, Santa Eulalia, and with the participation of about 2500 faithful, the deaconal ordination of subdeacon Luís Felipe Corimanya was celebrated. Luís Felipe is from Peru, although he has now spent six years in Guatemala for his education.
above: The prostration of the candidate for ordination as deacon, during the singing of the Litanies of the Saints.
right: After the laying on of hands, Mons. Eduardo continued with the consecratory prayer, and the People of God joined in the prayer that by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit Luís Felipe would be ordained as deacon.
Having been vested with the stole and the dalmatica, the new deacon receives the book of the Gospels. The proclamation of the gospel through life and word constitutes one of the chief missions of the deacon.
Two members of ICERGUA from Soloma represented the parents of Luís Felipe and two from Santa Eulalia were chosen to be sponsors. At the end of the ordination, they prayed over the new deacon. In the background is Father Fredi Mux, who is responsible for the Deanery of Central Huehuetenango and who accompanied Luís Felipe in his supervised field practice.
left: Less than half of the participants were able to enter the church. In the photo, a moment of the joyous celebration.
right: A multitude of the faithful who participated in the liturgy from outside the church. The photo shows the moment when the celebration was complete.
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On Friday, July 31, in the afternoon, our bishop visited the region of Santa María Chiquimula. The joyful community was celebrating its anniversary. Before the celebration, however, a fruitful, informative meeting took place with the regional directors. At present the region is composed of five communities, one in the center of the town and the other four in nearby villages. The team coordinator is working vigorously in mission activity.
right: In the celebration some young people received the sacrament of Confirmation and several children First Communion. In the photo: a moment of the prayer during the celebration of Eucharist.
At the end of the celebration, a representative of the community delivered a souvenir to our bishop.
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