Usage of the Tell A friend plugin
Disclaimer : No warranties at all, use on your own risk !
Requirements : The Plugin-Loader must be installed and working !
Please follow these steps carefully:
- Always make a backup, before messing around with your files !
- Download the Plugin-Loader from
- Download the file and unzip somewhere, please keep the folder structure.
- Upload the folder and it's content, to the folder called PLUGINS (from the plugin loader installation)
The plugin is now ready for use
- Logon to/edit your homepage using standard CMSimple.
- You can place the ONLINE USERS counter either
in the content area or in the template.
- To put the code in the content area; insert:
#CMSimple $output.=gotell(); # where you find it relevant in your present content.
To edit
the text that shows.
- Logon to/edit your homepage using standard CMSimple.
- Open the "Settetings page", and select "Linktous" to
admin and configure.
- Click "Plugin Config" to edit the text.
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